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Hiding In Plain Sight

Hidden Wiki Wizard Revelation Nr One

There's No Place Like Home

  • Ref. Hidden Wiki Rule #1, which presently reads; to wit, as follows:

    No new links.

*First, note this Rule, in general, contradicts the overall focus, if not the very purpose, of the Rules as a whole. not to mention practically every other of the individual rules;
*Second, in order to accommodate this Rule, ask yourself why editing of the Main Page is even permitted, when changes to links, rare occurrences, could be accomplished more easily and effectively by making a request of the Administrator and eliminate all need for vandalism repair at the same time;
*Third, Administrator is not overseeing all activity, assuring equitable treatment of all vendors because he is beneficent - au contraire, mon amis! - Administrator, like all other vendors (pending), has a personal investment in the success of his own links, always to the detriment of those vendors sharing his sections;
*Fourth, the proof (Part One) is already safely in the cauldron... in the history of changes to the rules, in the history of denied existing vendor requests to "fix" link URL errors mistakenly attributed to "vandals," in the history of denied requests of users (whether or not 30 days old, since that rule -presently non-existent- has been absent more often than it hasn't) to be permitted editing privileges, and in the log of User Creation Dates; and
*Fifth, "the proof (Part Two) is in the pudding" - simply create a new alias (ask Administrator how, since he knows best - but don't ask him why or he will block you), then go edit the Main Page, since there is presently no 30-day wait period rule and you are not supposed to ask the Administrator to grant you the privilege.

Satisfied? If not, you don't belong here. (Just click your heels three times, and go home.)

Nothing Beats the System Like the System (Itself)

  • Ref. Hidden Wiki Rule #2, which presently reads; to wit, as follows:

    No vandalizing of links. (For example: changing the URLs by one letter.)

On 26JUL15 (Remember the date.), when User:Zayaya innocently posted the following on the talk page of User:Balkanm, “you should ban all this fags, they are the same user! and they are already deleting main page old links” and, 3 hours later, posted on the talk page of User:Admin, while addressing him by the name, "Woodland," he didn't realize either that either of his intuitive guesses were correct or that both times, he was addressing the culprit... the one person (v. user name) who rewrites the rules prn to suit his more dominant alias' personality at the time, even if it is resurrected from one's own past just to break (or, rather, unbreak) rules, like this one. [1]

Words of Wonder. When was User:Drugged created? (The answer is before the date listed.) Who else was automatically "created" on that same date? (Just for fun, enable "Find on Page" and search the log for the creation dates of some familiar names.) Was he "drugged" for 15 months? (He didn't make his first and only contributions until July 2015) And what was so special about the 26th and 27th that would cause THE ADMINISTRATOR to block him? (Only his creator and I know the answer to that. But you can be certain that he was created for a reason (likewise, his demise), and that particular amateurish "Now you see him, now you don't" alias substitution "magic trick" was not one of my crafting.

Hidden Wiki Wizard Revelation Nr. Two

A Ruse By Any Other Name

  • Ref. Hidden Wiki Rule Nrs 5 et seq, ad litem, which presently reads as displayed on the time-stamped static image capture page.

The Big Picture. To the best of your knowledge. which, if any, of the statements made in the "Rules of the Hidden Wiki" are correct?

Hidden Wiki Wizard Revelation Nr Three

E Pluribus Unum

  • Ref. Hidden Wiki Administrator Statements, the text of which presently reads; to wit, as follows:

    This is the Admin account. Please note that currently only one Admin account exists on the Hidden Wiki, and this is it. (Named 'Admin'). ANYONE who tells otherwise (even if the username looks like 'Admin' somehow) is nothing but an impostor. If this will change, or the # of the admin users will expand, I'll be the first one to announce it. I also doesn't 'approve' or 'mark' services, so if you see somewhere that the admin approved or disapproved something, it is also a lie. Please treat everything here with these facts in mind.

According to the page edit history, User:Admin posted the above statement and protected the page on 14 March 2014‎, with the following restrictions and locks: “(Protected ‘User:Admin’: Protecting this page to prevent the ***** of the 'Admin' name on the Wiki ([Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite)))”

Granted, I'm the Wizard, but you don't have to be a Wizard to see that, at the time of the post, User:Admin contradicted himself by allowing "administrators" (plural) to edit and move the page contents. 16 months and six more than one named administrators later, the credibility of The Hidden Wiki would appear to be dangling from a thread, soon to be lost forever, if not altogether dead.

Knowledge is not the only benefit (more aptly, "burden") to being the Wizard; not by far. The most important is also a function. The Wizard is imbued with the power to use that knowledge judiciously to keep the product itself legitimate, honest and most of all, true to itself and the representations it makes. So with an economy of disclosures and exposures at the forefront of this statement, coupled with the notation that only the most curious will compare creation dates of users to contributions, I will confirm that what User:Admin posted on his protected page, although not necessarily on the date reflected, is absolutely true and correct... literally. Hereafter will be no "hand holding" nonsense and nothing further about the cited contents of the page said.

The Power of Persuasion

Hidden Wiki Wizard Revelation Nr Four

  • To verify that you are or will be automatically confirmed to edit the Main Page, you may check for your name on the official list of "Autoconfirmed Users."
  • Worthy of note are representative comments from two of all new users: The first was posted by User:DarkBr “(Shadown)” et al. The second, posted by User:Boggytoe, was on the Main Talk Page, as the Rules stipulate as permissible, until User:Calima deleted it. Fortunately, you can still see it. (You'll find it on its time-stamped static image capture page, instead.)

On How to Become a Wizard

Rote Recall and the Unwritten Word

Over the coming weeks, I'll help you to hone your own set of the skills necessary to be a Wiki Wizard. We'll begin with two easy ones (easy to figure out how to do them; not necessarily so easy to do). Please do not post your answers. (This is not a test to be graded.)

Master Your Memory

  • Over the past 60 days, four different usernames have posted comments with opening phrases similar to the following. Who are they and why does it matter?

I'm here since March and I can not even edit, users removing and changing the link from my site...

Master Your Universe

  • Most would think they created their own online presence, but is it true? Before you check to see if you really are your own "creator," practice by checking to see who created both the User Page and the Talk Page of someone like User:Calima.

Master Your Command

  • Most knowledge is free. Do your homework. Be prepared. You should know that most things are easily found on the internet without mastering hacking skills. Try something simple. You can research it in a minute. First, answer this question: “What is the number of active Hidden Wiki users? ("Active implies activity within the past 30 days.) Write your number down before you seek the actual answer. Having trouble knowing where to begin? OK. I'll give you a few of the first steps as a hint.

* 1. Click on the Special pages link in the Main Page left Navigation pane;

* 2. Look for the most appropriate section and click, click, click. (Beware: Admonster continually caches/archives a few of the pages to hide the truth), but there's a way to find the correct answer he cannot manipulate. Solve that, and you're well on your way to mastering wizardry (even if you cannot master your own online universe).
** [The correct answer at this moment “has been written,” below.]

The Wizard of Wiki (W☼W) 08:51, 2 August 2015 (EDT) has spoken.
So has 8it4 been written, so shall it have been done.

Begin typing your text below the line.

(It will be invisible unless you remove the spell.)