Talk:Main Page

From The Hidden Wiki
Revision as of 23:33, 20 November 2023 by Aera23 (talk | contribs) (→‎Chats: new section)
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Delete links to violence sites!

Someone must delete the links on the main page to the sites "AnyVIDz" and "Uncensored Video Board". All content on their start pages is videos and pictures of violence against *****ren and of advertisement for such. How is it even possible, that those pages are being advertised on The Hidden Wiki, where the goal is to "remove ***** shitness"?

About the recent deletion of numerous sites here.

We deleted numerous sites from the Main Page today. You may also notice that the Wiki has become more restricted today. The explanation is the following:

There were some serious events in the background recently (for example, we nearly got a raid, we were forced to upgrade our infrastructure, etc.) which finally forced us to re-evaluate our position as the long-time leader of the Tor Directory Network. Because of recent events, we realized we don't want to risk our existence anymore, just to let other people make a lot of money, while they give back absolutely nothing to the Wiki.

There are a lot of folks here who made a lot of money with the Hidden Wiki in the last years, while they did absolutely NOTHING in return for the Wiki, they didn't consider even the most basic "Spread the link" text at the top.

This shitshow which we observed here in the last few weeks, was the final nail in the coffin. We've seen enough.

In the last years, we have survived numerous DDOS attacks, takedowns, threats, technical problems, and other stuff. These things happened mostly in the background, as we always tried our best to make sure nobody noticed if there was anything wrong. Keeping the site online no matter what, is/was always our top priority, and believe us, it requires high skill levels in numerous fields.

Long story short: this is the point where we are fed up with the fact that people are making a fortune with the Wiki, while not giving a damn about the site, they don't even spread our link, they just take everything granted.

We don't want to kick out any user: any website owner who thinks he has got some VALUABLE asset to the Wiki, can contact us and show us what he has got. In this case, write an email to [email protected]. But don't get your hopes high, and we cannot emphasize this enough: we don't ask for money here. Neither real, nor crypto currency. The Hidden Wiki always was, and always will be a free website, with no ads, no paid links, and no affiliation. So if money is the only thing you can offer us, don't even bother. If what you're offering is not good enough, we won't even answer you.

What we need (for example) is high quality backlinking on the web, currently. (And no, not a post to some forum or blog - there is our $15 contest for that quality of backlinking.)

If you cannot offer something like this, then this is the end of the road for you here.

To every other user:

The Hidden Wiki is still an open directory to anyone (after a short moderation queue), we just don't allow foreigners to advertise their commercial sites here anymore, not while they offer nothing in return. All of the sites in the financial/commercial zone are sites from people who help the Wiki in some way, for example by quality clearnet backlinking. And no, none of the sites listed here are 'mine' or 'ours'. They were all added or proposed here by volunteers.

If you have got some new sites to recommend, place them on the Link Proposal page, as always. If it's not a new commercial site, which you only want to place here to make yourself money, and if it bears some quality to Tor users, it will eventually find its way to the Main Page.

Thank you for your understanding.

Admin2 (talk) 11:29, 19 September 2022 (UTC)

System upgrade

Dear Users,

Our big upgrade has almost finished. The Wiki is fully working now. Currently we have some minor visual glitches (for example, if you disable Javascript, some graphical elements are missing), these issues are gonna be resolved in the next few hours. Thank you for your patience, and happy browsing.

Admin2 (talk) 13:24, 5 September 2022 (UTC)

2021 October 15th update

Just a quick reminder to the community: Tor will end it's support for v2 domains very soon.

In a few days, we'll do some massive cleanups on the Wiki. In the first step, we're gonna delete (and replace to v3, if possible) old links. We're already trying to find the v3 addresses of the v2 websites listed here (mostly via public search engines), but of course, we cannot find all of them. If we cannot find a v3 address of a site listed here, in a few days we'll consider them as dead sites, and we'll remove them from the Wiki.

At the same time, we'll populate the site with new, fresh, working links. (The 'link proposals' page is active and working: do not worry if you couldn't find your edits on the Wiki, or if someone else deleted your request: we'll add a lot of sites from the previous proposals. So you can keep proposing them.)

The bottom line: if you are a site owner (or if you just happen to know the v3 address of an active v2 service linked here), NOW is the time to replace it with v3. We're not gonna play Inspector Gadget here: if we cannot find the v3 address of a site easily via public means, we will delete that link from our listings, permanently.

This will be just a first step of a shake-up, more will come.

Thank you, and we wish all of the Tor community the best.

Admin2 (talk) 12:23, 14 October 2021 (UTC)

2020 April Update

Dear Wiki Users,

Our 'old' Zqktl address is directly usable again, without the need for a redirection. So you can now reach our site via both the old and the new domain at the same time.
For security reasons, logging in is only permitted from the new domain. If you try logging in from the old zqktl domain, nothing bad will happen, the site will just redirect you to the new domain, where you'll need to restart the login process.
Soon we'll begin to actualize the Wiki with new links (outside of the Financial/Commercial zone), mostly based on the Link Proposals page's suggestions.
One more important thing: The 'Add it to bookmarks and spread it!!!' text on the Main Page... it's there for a reason. If nobody would know about us, then the site is f*cked... so if you're a serious user of the site, don't just take the benefits, but please do your part to spread our link on the clearnet as best as you can. Thank you.

Everybody stay safe, and we wish you a pleasant day.

Admin2 (talk) 10:12, 28 April 2020 (UTC)


Dear Wiki Users,

First of all, we would like to wish you a happy 2021, we hope this message finds everyone well. It's 2021, and we think it's time to shake up this Wiki again. Links on the Main Page are getting old, and if we want to keep our leading spot on the Darkweb, we must actualize them a little.
No worries of course, nobody's going to interfere with people's business here (will talk about it a few lines later), but if we want to continue attracting visitors, we need to actualize things a little bit.

So here is what we came up with:

We just created a page called Link proposals, and also made a link to it from the MP. In this subpage, we encourage users to propose us sites which they think would make a good contribution for a new visiting user on the Main Page. New users can also propose sites, because the subpage will not be protected.
And while we (administration) will make sure good sites will make it to Main Page, we also ask good members of our wiki to help us with this matter.

A few things/rules about this system, because we're quite sure that by reading this article onto this point, it already made a lot of user's mind nuclear :). Here are the rules that will calm you down:

There are a few special sections which are exceptions:

- Introduction Points: Don't want to be rude, but we're trying to manage some kind of a brand here with the 'Hidden Wiki' name. Since 2014, WE ARE the introduction point of the Deepweb, and while the current list can stay, we don't want to advertise or create other introduction points, if there are any. Sorry.

- Commercial/Financial sections: it is an ever growing hot potato, as many sellers and vendors are competing for the places, and we don't want to interfere with that, either. It's up to the (confirmed) user's discretion if they would like to allow some new links into these sections or not. If they don't want new links there, then there won't be new links there.
You can judge this from a moral standpoint of course, but hey: this is the DeepWeb. And there are far worse people on the DW than the users here. For example:

- ***** *****. We still don't tolerate ***** of any kind (or websites which are actively advertising it), so please, don't put ***** on the Main Page. Don't even recommend/advertise them. About *****, you are free to create articles with educational purposes (history of it, psychological mambo-jambo, etc.), articles which can be interesting to the broader audience as well (not just for the ***** lovers), but we don't want to support it in any form.

These are the exceptions.
So please, even if you don't want competition to the financial zone that's fine, but please help us fresh up at least the other sections... because the Wiki can only stay on top if the links are current and fresh.
Also, please don't delete other working links, at least from the non-commercial zones. There is no point doing that.

We're going to test this new system for awhile... and see if it works or not. This is everyone's best interest here, we hope everyone can realize this.

One more thing:
We'll perform some maintenance on April 1st: we'll purge the database out of old entries that day. We did this before a few times, basically it means that on April 1st, every page's old revisions are gonna be deleted. This will help us compact the database, which will also give you faster page load and access times. So if there is something on a page's old revision that you personally need, please make a backup of it NOW.

Thank you for your attention, we wish you a good year. Be safe!

The Hidden Wiki team
(no, this username still doesn't mean just one person :) )

Admin2 (talk) 14:52, 13 March 2018 (CET)

Add Chinese site

URL: Introduce: 中文交易市场

The proper catalog is Chinese/中文, rather than Chinese/中国語. "Chinese" in Chinese is "中文".

Social Networks

  • Twitter - online social media and social networking service owned and operated by American company Twitter, Inc., on which users post and interact with 280-character-long messages known as "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and 'retweet' tweets, while unregistered users only have the ability to read public tweets. Sign up now to get your own personalized timeline!

Our Friend ILON MASK asked to add Twitter Address to Main Page of The Hidden Wiki to make World Better Using Tor. Moderator should make it for the Richest Person of the World and I can be this admin. Thanks for Everything on Darknet & Regular Web NickName: THW2048 (wants to become one of Administrators who can Create, but not delete or block something)

Russian language resources

I suggest adding the following resources to the Russian language section:

- Radio Svoboda (a Russian version of Radio Liberty): - Sibir.Realii (a separate project of Radio Liberty): - Sever.Realii (a separate project of Radio Liberty): - Roskomsvoboda (a Russian NGO focused on privacy): - Rutor forum: - OlympRC forum:, - RuDark forum:

Blogs / Essays / News Sites

  • Reddit - American social news aggregation, content rating, and discussion website. Registered users submit content to the site such as links, text posts, images, and videos, which are then voted up or down by other members. Posts are organized by subject into user-created boards called "communities" or "subreddits".

Check them and make Your Decision

  • Question & ANSWER Welcome back to Hidden Answers, a platform where you can Ask or Answer questions anonymously.
  • DNMX or Dark Net Mail Exchange is a free to use email service that works just like Gmail or yMail. We don't care who you are and will never ask for your information or reveal your identity; this is the dark net after all :)
  • AnonBlogs The free anonymous blogging platform for both the dark net and clear web!

The Privacy Cautious.

The Privacy Cautious.

  • NJALLA Considered the worlds most notorious "Privacy as a Service" provider for domains, VPS' and VPNs.

It should be added section Cryptocurrency Mixing Services, and Give me Chance to delete almost all scam an down services from that section!

  • CoinJoin is a trustless method for combining multiple Bitcoin payments from multiple spenders into a single transaction to make it more difficult for outside parties to determine which spender paid which recipient or recipients. Unlike many other privacy solutions, CoinJoin transactions do not require a modification to the bitcoin protocol.
  • Wasabi Wallet - keep your funds untraceable with the reliable high volume bitcoin mixer.
  • CryptoMixer - keep your funds untraceable with the reliable high volume bitcoin mixer.
  • ChipMixer - use chip-based transactions to ensure a greater degree of privacy and anonymity.

We should make bonuses for good services for main page and creation the whole Hidden wiki with useful articles! Admin may add moderators to help regular users working together to improve the Anonymity and Privacy of all Tor Users.


I hope it is ok if I add my chat here:

[1] - Aera23's chat