12of7 is an autistic fedposting lolcow that wants to bring despair in his enemy's eyes. He's a notorious flat earther, Orthodox Christian, TempleOS user, conspiracy theorist and a great psychopathic maniac, tho he prefers to be called a Xi male in this instance. 12 has made his own Template:12of7templeos.neocities.org website which was made to promote his "SupStore" (an App Store for TempleOS), create tutorials for various thing, mostly TempleOS related, and/or blog post on his blog page (which he hardly ever uses) He makes multiple friends on deepweb, managing to create different relationships with multiple individuals that he encounters. For an unknown reason, he likes to stay arround ninya9k, most probably as he wants to also be an onion streamer, but he cannot as his old ThinkPad T60 doesn't have the computal power to stream anything on GNU/Linux, nor Windows 7, for which reason he loves TempleOS to the Moon. 12 has told numerous times on stream with ninya9k his autistic, tragic, dramatic, funny, drunk and relaxing tales based on his mind and his imagination. 12of7 is known for having a dead mother and a dead grandfather, whom he respects very much and mentioned that he, his grandfather, is a very lucky guy as "he won't see the hellstorm comming our way", having his affirmation confirmed by daily events happening in the world. For more information about him, lurk moar.