Earning PDU Credits - Info For Unbiased Contractor PMP
Please add missing and working links (no *****, ***** and no websites with criminal content!)
See also: Template:Dead link File:15px-Red x.svg and Template:Verified link File:Green check.svg
Introduction Points
https://www.i2p2.i2p/ - i2p project website Template:Verified link
https://echelon.i2p/ - eche|lons website Template:Verified link
https://forum.i2p - Main i2p forum Template:Verified link
https://planet.i2p/ - Planet i2p Template:Verified link
https://zzz.i2p/ - Help, Hints, Advice, I2P Development discussions Template:Verified link
https://wiki.meeh.i2p/ - More tips Template:Verified link
https://hq.postman.i2p/ - Postman HQ docu and instruction for your I2P-mail Template:Verified link
https://tracker2.postman.i2p/ - Postman's I2P Tracker, here you find the goods Template:Verified link
Search engines
Google for i2p. Search for links.
https://direct.i2p/ - Direct Search. The most progressive search engine at the moment. Also has a webcache and a list of available hosts. Template:Verified link
https://epsilon.i2p/ - Epsilon Template:Verified link
https://eye.i2p/ - YaCy 'Eye' Template:Verified link
https://eepsites.i2p/Default.aspx - Search for Anonymous and secure I2P web sites Template:Verified link
https://documentheaven.i2p/ - Document Heaven wants to be an eepsite, which collects links and magnet links to scientific or otherwise interesting non-fictional papers, documents and books. This eepsite is hosted in the spirit of the Guerilla Open Access Manifesto Template:Verified link
https://loinen.i2p/ - Anarchy files and Underground links Template:Verified link
Other general stuff to see
Starting places.
https://trac.i2p2.i2p/report/1 I2P Bug Reports Template:Verified link
https://zzz.i2p/ Dev ForumTemplate:Verified link
https://diftracker.i2p/ diftrackerTemplate:Verified link
https://forum.i2p Main i2p forumTemplate:Verified link
https://stats.i2p/cgi-bin/dashboard.cgi statisticsTemplate:Verified link
https://keys.echelon.i2p/ Echelons I2P OpenPGP Public Key ServerTemplate:Verified link
https://inr.i2p/ I2P Registration service - Addressbook service - Jump serviceTemplate:Verified link
https://stats.i2p/cgi-bin/osts.cgi Recently Added Hosts. You can add your eepsite here.Template:Verified link
https://i2p.to/status.php Status page of Tino's Inproxy - use TORTemplate:Verified link
https://identiguy.i2p/ eepstatusTemplate:Verified link
https://darrob.i2p/ darrob's projects: enci2pedia, the I2P IRC infobot - grid-updates, a helper script for Tahoe-LAFS - Feature wishlist for a better IRC infobot - Idea for Tahoe-PSM, a publish/subscribe-style messaging system on Tahoe-LAFSTemplate:Verified link
Financial Services Currencies, banks, money markets, clearing houses, exchangers and other marketplaces.
Commercial Services
Hosting Services
https://git.repo.i2p/ Anonymous Git Hosting Template:Verified link
https://diftracker.i2p/ DifTracker: Torrents, Forum. Le site est multi-langues, mais privilégiez le français ou l'anglais pour vos postesTemplate:Verified link
Image Hosting
https://imgbi.i2p Template:Verified link img.bi - secure image hosting
https://gallery.i2p Template:Verified link The site will try preload images with javascript, but is not required to view images.
https://pastethis.i2p/ PastebinTemplate:Verified link
https://zerobin.i2p/ Secure encrypted PastebinTemplate:Verified link
Web Hosting
Blogs / Essays / Personal Pages
https://dlms.i2p/ Dark Like My Soul - About DarknetsTemplate:Verified link
https://shadowlife.i2p/ focuses on Privacy · how to protect it and why it matters | Blog and ForumTemplate:Verified link
Forums / Boards
https://freedomforum.i2p/ Privacy Forum - surveillance, censorship, encryption, software & moreTemplate:Verified link
https://holocaust.i2p/ The Holocaust Forum - Open And Civilized Debate On The HolocaustTemplate:Verified link
https://wiki.meeh.i2p/doku.php A wiki for i2p and how to use its functions and servicesTemplate:Verified link
https://jisko.i2p/wiki/ - Jiskopedia - Wiki about Darknets and anonymizing Tools (this wiki) Template:Verified link
https://salt.i2p/wiki/index.php/Main_Page Salted Wiki Template:Dead link
Non-***** or generally safe imageboards on i2p.
Email / Messaging
https://suddenly.i2p/ Suddenly is a next-gen IRC bot. Template:Verified link
Social Networks
https://jisko.i2p - Jisko - a simple and fast microblogging website with multi-language support, adapted to fit the needs of Tor and the i2p network. Template:Verified link
https://id3nt.i2p/ Microblogging service similar to twitter. Template:Verified link
https://lotnv.i2p/ (redirect to https://https://anarplex.i2p/files/lotnv.html) Lodging of the Trans-National Vanguard... The Trans-National Vanguard is a network of people with shared values like loyalty, independence, privacy and experimental living. Template:Verified link
https://visibility.i2p/ Visibility Social Network - Elgg based, java script needs to be enabled Template:Verified link
Political Advocacy
https://leakager.i2p/ A Cat's Mirror of Wikileaks Cablegate site Template:Verified link
Video - Movies / TV
https://leecher.i2p/ Videos - Simpsons, South Park, Futurama and more Template:Verified link
https://serien.i2p Serien, TV serials. To download select from the alphabetical register at top of page. Template:Verified link
https://anonymix.i2p/ SongDB - Multitracks, Acapellas, Instrumentals and More - Forum - You need 2 register Template:Dead link
https://mp3arc.i2p/ Hard Music Collection - use eepget! Template:Verified link
https://anonyradio.i2p/ Deep Web Radio Template:Verified link
https://eepcast.i2p/ Another deep web radio Template:Verified link
Libraries / Books
https://amidoinitrite.i2p/ amidoinitrite - Manga, Music, Books Template:Verified link
https://cheech-wizard.i2p/ Cheech Wizard: Alive Inside Your Head. Cheech Wizard stories are clean, wholesome, reflective TRUTHS that go great with the marijuana munchies an a blow job - Comix | Music | Wizdum Template:Verified link
https://gusion.i2p/ calibre library: Fantasy and (Science-) Fiction - another e-book library making heavy use of java script. You may wanna try the mobile version https://gusion.i2p/mobile Template:Verified link
https://lib.i2p/?language=en an anonymous online library. It is an independent resource for storage, and distribution of books. Library operates on the principle wikis. This means that the addition of books, authors, and any other information produced by users. Russian / english Template:Verified link
https://i2play.i2p/ I2Play - I2Play provides anonymous gaming services over I2P. Admittedly the selection of games that can be played over I2P is reasonably small due to the requirement that they be tolerant of lag, but that doesn't stop us trying! Template:Verified link
https://bigbrother.i2p/ News page plus a little info about the IRC Bot Template:Verified link
https://manofperdition.i2p/ Secret Sites - Things your goverment & church don't want you to know. Otherwise they would be teaching these things: the man of perdition! Template:Verified link
https://oneness.i2p/ Links and videos of alternative history, new and old research, open-minded ideas and theories, and conspiracy related information ++ will be found here, and updated as new things emerge! Template:Verified link
https://TheAnonDog.i2p h4364r's Anonymous Daily - News, Blog, Eepsite-index. Your daily news provided by The Anon Dog Template:Verified link
Religion / Philosophy
https://salt.i2p/ Salt is a gathering space for technophiles celebrating crypto and infoanarchy. We're looking for things to do in the dark. Template:Dead link
https://secondrealm.i2p/ (redirect to https://https://anarplex.i2p/projects/secondrealm.html) The Second Realm We are building a society - today and here - to implement our vision of a peaceful, non-intervening and progressing life-style that respects the autonomy of each individual as the highest value.Template:Verified link
https://str4d.i2p/ str4d has set up a few useful services on I2P Template:Verified link
Czech / Čeština
Danish / Dansk
Dutch / Nederlands
Estonian / Eesti
Finnish / Suomi
French / Français
German / Deutsch
https://augenscheinlich.i2p utopisch - dystopisch - real - gefunden Template:Verified link
Hebrew / עברית
Italian / Italiano
Japanese / 日本語
https://oniichan.i2p/ Onii-Chan - Board Template:Verified link
Korean / 한국어
Polish / Polski
Portuguese / Portugues
Russian / Русский
https://anlib.i2p/ A.Library v 1.0 - russian directory of not only russian books, mp3's and more. Template:Verified link
https://hiddenchan.i2p/ hiddenchan Board "We are hidden". Something like 4chan. Mostly russian. Template:Verified link
Spanish / Español
https://abusos.i2p/ Abusos judiciales en España - El motivo de esta web es exponer los abusos sufridos a los ciudadanos de España por su sistema judicial. Template:Verified link
https://quematumovil.i2p/ Quema tu móvil! Este trabajo empezó con la voluntad de aclarar los mitos y verdades respecto a la seguridad con los teléfonos móviles?: posibilidades de escuchas, de localización, etc. Template:Verified link
Swedish / Svenska
Template:Portal See also Tor Links Template:I2P project.