Galaxy (social network)

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Template:Needs translations Galaxy Social Network is a social networking website that uses hidden services available through the Tor network.

Unfortunately Galaxy went down without warning on Thu, December 18th, 2014, since then all contact with it's creator have been lost. However it has largely been replaced by it's spiritual successor Galaxy2


Galaxy is not just a place to post party pictures, it intends to foster a true community environment. They ask for you to "put yourself out there" intellectually, ask questions, contribute ideas and articles to help others, feel at home to share your art and your soul and dare to be different.

Galaxy has a large collection of member groups that feature a range of various topics; from the everyday (movies, music, poetry) to the controversial (conspiracies, politics, religion) to the legally grey (sometimes black) areas. These groups are the primary locations used to share documents, blog posts, have discussions amongst like-minded people, etc. Of course, if there doesn't already seem to be a group for what you're thinking about then you may create one and manage it as your own.


1. Try to be polite and respectful

2. No ***** (***** *****ography) (hard rule, immediate removal of account)

3. No proselytism (attempting to convert people to another religion or opinion)

4. No commercial activities (you can't sell nor buy anything here)

(Note about #3: We understand the difference between a heated argument/debate about a topic that individuals may be passionate about. Ultimately it comes back to respecting the position of the person/people you are debating with, while you may try to convince someone of something or sway a person to your position, do not disrespect them if they refuse to agree with you. Don't fear that because of rule #3 you can't argue or debate on Galaxy, in fact we rather encourage such things. Just always try to observe Rule #1 and you'll be fine.)

See also


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   | {{#if: 
     | references-column-width }} }}" style="{{#if: 
   | {{#iferror: {{#ifexpr: 1 > 1 }}
     | Template:Column-width
     | Template:Column-count }}
   | {{#if: 
     | Template:Column-width }} }} list-style-type: {{#switch: 
   | upper-alpha
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External links

Template:Darknet social networks Template:Tor hidden services
