MGP Polska

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MGP Polska is a bulletin board for polish darknet users. It's main purpose is to able polish citizens to plan and consult their murder and ***** plans. The operation of MGP Polska depends on FluxBB, open source bulletin board system built upon PHP and MySQL. It was launched on 29.06.2015. Currently-running FluxBB version: 1.5.8.


MGP Polska hardware

1 *****U Core 512MB RAM 20GB SSD 1TB transfer


One can register once per 1 hour. After that newly created user needs to greet everyone with 1 topic and share some illegal materials in second topic or he will be permanently banned. Females gets ban immidiately and are not welcome. After writing those 2 topics user can create new topic and new posts once per 2 minutes.

Organization of subforums

Subforums were made to make it easier for newcomers to find appropriate information and to enter murder world.


Moderation manually remove abusive content (typically content which can't harm anyone). Any kindness or sensitivity is strictly forbidden - pussies are not welcome.

External links