The Hidden Wiki

From The Hidden Wiki
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Welcome! You are using the deep web! Good job so far! Don't forget to enable NoScript in you Tor browser and never use your real name anywhere! Have a nice day!

User talk:Admin

User talk:Admin2


The Hidden Wiki is a censorship-resistant wiki operating as a Tor hidden service that anyone can anonymously edit. The main page serves as a directory of links to other sites.

As a hidden service, The Hidden Wiki operates through the pseudo top-level domain which can be accessed only by using Tor or a Tor gateway. Its main page provides a community-maintained link directory to other hidden services, including links to money laundering, whistle blowing, email contract killing, hackers for hire, contraband chemicals, warez, torrents, chans, IRCs, and ebooks. The rest of the wiki is essentially uncensored except for ***** and offers links to sites while anything.

The Hidden Wiki is a historical Wiki containing 100's of useful links to Tor Hidden Services. Find what you're looking for quickly by browsing through each category.

Cite extension of MediaWiki

Download Cite extension from

Extract tar.gz file to extensions folder.

Add the below line to LocalSettiings.php file.

require_once( "$IP/extensions/Cite/Cite.php" );

Adding web banners to a MediaWiki

  • Banner Ads

Just add the phpadsnew code on the part of the skin where you want to place the banners.

  • How to add a banner/image to the MediaWiki sidebar

  • Displaying Google Adsense in MediaWiki