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American member with an eclectic mix of liberal and conservative political views. Considers himself as a Democrat but in the parlance of current politics would be considered a 'Blue Dog Democrat'. One of the regular writers in the Writers' Forum.

Knows stuff about militaries. Has a habit of italicising the names of aircraft. He is also well known for defending the U.S. Navy.

See also: The Cal Controversy

Moderator on AH sub forums including FH.

Waging solo Crusade to rid FH of current political subject threads. Thus far Crusade has been about as effective as *****ren's Crusade to the Holy Land.

Noted Works

//**Skunk Works**//

//**Endless Summer**//

//**[Anglo-American - Nazi War]**//

//**[Pacific War Redux]


While banning trolls:

//"Banned. We divorce you, to Coventry with you..."//

Since late summer 2014, he accompanies banning posts with the "CalTangle" picture meme.

Appearances in Fiction

Appears in Doctor What's //**stories:Snake Oil**//, as Patrick Michael Drake.
