User talk:Bixby66

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Hi, Im here from year 2013 and never had any problem with anyone. zayaya started removing my site, which is still against the HW rules. If new rules are removing links you dont like, please update it. I wanted to stop edit war with him and asked what we can do. he told me to pay him. I paid him and he just *****ed me. He still keeps removing my site. I see every edit here and there are few who got blocked for removing one or two links, but zayaya is doing this for few years now without anything against him. I understand that maybe he is your friend or he is in some sort of HW illuminati group where im not a part of, but please lets be reasonable and civilized here. I wont be doing any edits if he left my site alone. You won't even see me here. I just want some resolution, because I never had any trouble before and all these years everybody made money no matter the competition. If I start doing the same thing zayaya is I will get blocked. So why he has such advantage against everybody and Admins are watching all this happening for a few years now?

Germino (talk) 15:37, 5 February 2018 (CET)

so some time has passed and some retards are removing my site again. why others get blocked, but assholes who are deleting shit every day are not? im really interested.

faggots like:

Zayaya Pula Calima Wisell

Why these shitheads can remove every site and dont get anything for it?

Germino (talk) 12:43, 4 February 2018 (CET)

Suck my big bot dick mother*****er

Lith Bots

User Lith is using bots. You should ban any user using bots or the whole wiki can become a mess. I think your job as an admin should imply banning retarded bot users like him :D