User talk:Houstonn

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Although I really don't know what are you trying to achieve, I'll let you do it. I'll let you spend your minutes, hours to this.

And after you've finished, I'll restore everything with a click of a button, just like last times. I'll not even block you, 'cause you cannot do any permanent damage.

So, keep on.

Admin (talk) 08:43, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

In some degree, it's true. If you have no life, no job, no GF, no anything, you can spend your life here, deleting useful pages. The good news is: I can restore it much more quickly than you can delete them... so if you have nothing better to do than to spend your life to absolutely useless things, then be my guest. :) Also, congratulations to your life. :)

Admin (talk) 08:48, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

I hope you wouldn't be hurt if I don't believe that at all. Now, keep on my friend... I've got jobs to do away from the computer... in a few hours I'll be back, and will restore everything you're doing right now. At that point, I'll also block your account as well. Until then, have fun.

Admin (talk) 08:51, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

I'm interested about what are you trying to achieve here with deleting useful pages. Really. I don't like them, but at least I can understand edit wars, and when the financial sector competes with each other. But what are these good for?


Nothing has failed. The system I'm talking about is for Main Page access. It has nothing to do with ordinary pages and talk pages. I cannot (and will not) lock down those, because that would mean locking down the whole wiki, which is not an option.

Those were you're accounts as well. Doesn't matter what you're saying, I CAN see it. This argument is over.

One more thing: :). I see from the logs that you started your shit at 08:25, and finished at 08:50. That was 25 minutes from your life. Now let's count how many minutes I need to revert it all. Until next time, bye.