User talk:Nayaya

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yes!! :)) you are right. like always. you are very smart! woodfukingland is also my account :))

I'm so afraid!!! You will have edit rights soon!!!! OMG!!!! OMG!!!!! OMG!!!!! lol, piece of shit.

soon is your favourite word.. LOL RETARD LOL

It is as good a word as any other. One of two things will happen here Zayaya. I will revert every single main page edit you make, and help both Heisenburg and Woodland to add their sites. Or you will respect my link, which is not commercial or financial. You shouldn't have removed it in the first place. I will get what I want either way, you just need to decide if you really want another person who doesn't like you reverting edits.

Don't expect any help from me. Trumph talk 23:19, 8 December 2015 (CET)