User talk:Wells Fargo

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Just how many sites you wanna add here, you lifeless *****?

Just for reference, here is the list of your 'sites' which all are on the same server of yours:




Don't even try to deny it, because we pretty much hacked your sorry little machine (so much for your 'security'), we can provide screenshots that all of the above services are yours, and are on the same machine.

So everyone: feel free to delete these sites anytime you see them here, because all of the above are the sites of one (1) single person.

Have a good night, and go ***** yourself!!


It's either a curiosity or a coincidence (and I don't believe in the latter) that only two of the above eight links appear on the Main Page:

Viable or not, the other six links aren't there (anymore), so the finger-pointing wasn't very well founded. (See Money Bags.)

I therefore retract my previous huzzahs, and replace them with this one. (Huzzah!)