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I sell infected .exe files with an embeded meterpreter. ONLY 32 bit architecture applications (.exe) You can request via email, any 32 bit application you want me to infect. DO NOT send me the .exe directly, as I will simply ignore it. Give me the name of the application, & source to go to, not a link.

All of my goods are undetected by MOST major AV software vendors. Please, when receiving your goods, do not submit them to any online virus scanners. THEY WILL BE SENT TO ALL AV VENDORS; THUS MAKING IT DETECTABLE! I also recommend you to have your AV software enabled to test your good(s) yourself.

IF your good(s) WAS detected by YOUR AV software, please send me a screenshot of it saying so, so I can send you a fresh, undetectable replaceable.


--I will send all goods via email with PGP.-- Please include the following in the Subject line: 5t r4-Z5 Please include the following in your email message:

1.Your LOCAL IP ADDRESS, **NOT** your actual IP address. 2.Your desired four digit port number. For example: 7887 3.Name of the 32 bit application (.exe), with the source for me to go to (website).


1. Why was my good(s) detected? -Someone submitted the good(s) to AV vendors. Please do not submit anything to AV vendors!

2. How are you able to make undetected goods? -I have been doing what I've been doing since the very beginning of "hacking". I don't like using that term because of the false misconception behind it nowadays. The key to it all is to observe.

3. How can I trust you? You DO sell viruses after all... -Great question, you should be asking me that. I hope to establish the most trust within this community that I possibly can. If I am going to try and turn a profit from selling my goods, it HAS to be sold as advertised. Why hurt my reputation, if it's going to affect my profit? So to sum it all up; I hurt you, you hurt me. I help you, you help me.

4. Any refunds? -No, but I can offer a fresh undetectable replacement if you provide proof of any issues. (screenshots)

5. Why do you need my local IP and a 4 digit port? -In order for you to utilize the meterpreter, via metasploit, you need to have a listener embedded within the infected file. This listener requires specific details in order to relay all information from the infected computer, to your computer.

6.Meterpreter? Metasploit? What's that? -Duckduckgo is your friend.